GEMINIS GHT5-G4-1000x3000
- СпекуляцияПреобразование спецификаций в ImperialМощность30 kWДопустимое вращение1,400 RPMНаибольшая амплитуда колибаний1,000 mmОбработка Длина3,000 mmКонтрольЧПУ
- О компании
The machine tools manufactured by the Goratu group give optimum solutions to a broad spectrum of machining requirements using leading-edge technologies applied to a wide range of products. these include: machining centres, milling machines and fixed column centres, conventional and numeric control milling machines and medium and large sized numeric control lathes.
Офисы продаж
- Офисы продаж4Goratu Maquinas Herramienta, S.A. (China)
Rm602, Block D,Youlehui
Beijing, Beijing 100102