- СпекуляцияПреобразование спецификаций в ImperialНаибольшая амплитуда колибаний475 mmОбработка Длина550 mm№ оси2Размер зажимного патрона200 mmНаибольший диаметр прутка51 mmДопустимое вращение4,000 RPMДиаметр обработки225 mmЗадняя бабкаYesКонтрольЧПУ (FANUC OI MATE TD)
- Обзор продукта
UNITURN 500 CNC Lathe is another model in Uniturn family. The admit between centers on this CNC Lathe is 500mm. All the other specifications are same as UNITURN 300 CNC lathe.
- О компании
Gedee Weiler strives to deliver CNC lathes, CNC turning centers to our customers with best of quality, precision and reliability. By offering machines that are capable of high production levels together with excellent technical support.
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