- СпекуляцияПреобразование спецификаций в ImperialНаибольшая амплитуда колибаний380 mm№ оси2Размер зажимного патрона165 mmНаибольший диаметр прутка42 mmДопустимое вращение4,000 RPMДиаметр обработки140 mmКонтрольЧПУВес1500 (KGS)
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The innovative cost effective Flex Turn CNC Lathe Machine can be effortlessly adapted to meet customer requirement.
FLEX TURN CNC MACHINE can be fitted with linear tooling arrangement or eight station turret coupled with independent live tool. GEDEE WEILER is the only machine tool manufacturer in India offering such flexible CNC Lathe.
- О компании
Gedee Weiler strives to deliver CNC lathes, CNC turning centers to our customers with best of quality, precision and reliability. By offering machines that are capable of high production levels together with excellent technical support.
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