- EspeculaçãoConverter Especificações para ImperialDimensão do Eixo150 mmX-Horiz Tvl de Col8,000 mmY-Vert Tvl de Cabeça3,200 mmPotência60 kWRPM1,600 RPMMesa-W2,000 mmTabela-L2,000 mmCurso Eixo-Z700 mmControloCNC (SIEMENS 840 D)
- Sobre a empresa
pama is one of the machine tool companies with longer tradition in europe since it started its activity in 1926 producing boring and milling machines. in 1967 pama started to implement modern cnc control and automation techniques on their traditional production of horizontal boring and milling machines. all new products derive from this long experience and the constant study in solving application problems.