  • 会社について
    Delta-Therm Corporation

    Delta-Therm was started in 1968 by two electrical engineers, Jim VanEffen and Terry Terhune. In 1969, Jim and Terry patented their mineral insulated cable assembly termination and manufactured their own snow melting system control. In 1970 these were the first snow melting products ever to become UL Listed. By 1988, Terry had retired and Jim was ready to retire when he met Ed and Eileen Slagis. Ed had been a mechanical engineer for Corning Glass and Ritter Midwest, and Eileen was a religious education director for the Chicago archdioceses. Ed worked with Jim for several years to learn everything about the heat tracing business, while Eileen managed the accounting functions. Jim remained a part-time fixture at Delta-Therm for many years, lending his expertise to our employees and customers. His valuable assistance helped us grow the company significantly and we credit him for much of our early success. By 2003, Jim, Ed and Eileen retired. Tom Slagis and Ada Cryer, two of Ed and Eileen's children manage the business. Like Jim before them, Ed and Eileen come in to lend their expertise and help train new employees on a regular basis.