Cellular Concepts

Cellular Concepts
20850 Hoover Road
Detroit, Michigan 48205
Stati Uniti
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The company began in 1987 with an idea. The idea was to design a horizontal machining centers that costs less and did more than other machining centers in the production environment. It meant going back to basics in machine design and construction.

The result was the H-15, a horizontal machining center designed for high durability, reliability, and easy maintainability. The H-15 can function as a stand-alone (H-15S) or Duplex HMC (H-15D), and it is supplied with pallet indexers and rotary tables for high-productivity machining. Effective in virtually any production situation, the H-15 combines the flexibility and productivity of a horizontal spindle CNC machine tool with true affordability across the range.

The Cell Con line has evolved to include two ranges of 3-axis CNC production modules which can be supplied with the user's choice of spindles-horizontal, vertical, turret head or platen to accept custom workheads. These are the 400 Frame, based on the H-15, and the larger 30-HP 500 Frame series modules for flexible production systems.

Cell Con continues to be responsive to the needs of high-volume manufacturers, providing innovative machining solutions that help reduce the cost of production.