• Especificaciones
    Convertir Especificaciones al Sistema Inglés
    599.44 mm
    500.38 mm
    299.72 mm
    45,000 RPM
    500.38 mm
    800.1 mm
  • Descripción del producto

    iQ500 Micro Milling Machine for Ultra Precision Performance
    The iQ500 is the ideal, larger precision micro milling machine for manufacturers of LED tooling, optic surface finishes and other high-tolerance machining applications. The machine delivers wide ranging capabilities from sub-micron machining accuracy and repeatability up to macro-scale machining applications.

    The iQ500 micro milling machine is built with a state-of-the-art linear motor design, 0.005-micron scale feedback and unparalleled component temperature control. Together, these features provide precise and predictable machining results, eliminating continuous process parameter adjustments due to tool positioning error and thermal distortion. The machine can effectively measure tool lengths to sub-micron levels of accuracy and repeatability, providing for simple and predictable tool blends with various cutting tools, spindle speeds and machining depths. Its large work envelope, wide-ranging travels, and flexible spindle design provide for high utility in micro part production, as well as groundbreaking research and development.

  • Sobre la Compañía
    Makino Milling Machine Co., Ltd.

    manufacture, sale and export of machine tools (machining centers, nc electrical discharge machines, nc milling machines, milling machines and cutter & tool grinding machines), cad/cam systems, die/mold manufacturing systems (dms), fms and other equipment.

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