Productivity Inc

Productivity Inc
Sitio web
Productivity Inc
Sitio web
Productivity Inc is the Midwest's single source distributor of machine tools, fabrication equipment, tooling and accessories and related equipment and services. We sell a broad range of machine tools including milling, turning, swiss turning, multi-tasking, grinding, metal stamping, plasma, laser cutting, press brakes and abrasive waterjet machine tools as well as electrical discharge machinery (EDM). We specialize in the automation of precision machining operations using FANUC robotics. We offer a full line of tooling and accessories including cutting tools, endmills, threadmills, taps, reamers, burs, countersinks, toolholders for all brands of machine tools as well as related services and equipment.
- Especialidades de su Compañía
- Comerciantes/Revendedores de Maquinaria Usada
- Distribuidor/Importador/Agente de Maquinaria Nueva
- Entrenador & Educador de Equipos
- Evaluador
- Reconstructor & Remodificador
- Servicio y Reparación
- Subastador
- Marcas que Manejamos
- Tipos
- Marcas a los que se da servicio