- المواصفاتتحويل المواصفات إلى الامبراطوريسعة العامود44.958 mmأكسات7القدرة14.9 kWماكس RPM7,000 RPMبالقطع طول299.97 mmالأدوات الحيةYesالفرعية المغزلYesالوزن13,668 lbs
- نبذة عن الشركة
Europe's leader in both horizontal and vertical multi-axes machinery. Founding in 1958, Eurotech's products were initially introduced into North American in 1993 and have spread throughout the USA and Canada. Over 10,000 of the Eurotech machines have been produced for Europe alone. The European leader of CNC is continuing to build and expand in the United States and Canada.