- 規格參數轉換為英制工作臺寬(W)914.4 mm工作臺長(L)2,032 mm臥式還是立式Horz功率11.2 kW砂輪寬度50.8 mm砂輪直徑508 mm外形尺寸253" x 144" x 113"重量35,160 lbs.
- 關於公司
kent ind. co., ltd. was born in 1966 with its president mr today, the area of our company is over 12,000 sq. meters. the staff includes 170 people, and the main line of products is surface grinders, cylindrical grinders, creep feed grinders, both electrolysis and electrical discharge creep feed grinders, cnc grinders, double housing surface grinders, high speed stroke grinders, and other grinding machines. our selling areas are taiwan, u.s,a, japan, italy, germany, france, england, spain, thailand, hong-kong... our main finnancial partners are first commercial bank, international commerce bank of taiwan, bank of communication and taipei city bank.
- 服務與維修店5MTC Maquinaria Y Tecnologia En CNC
Fray Toribio de Benavente No. 9 Col. Cimatario
Querétaro, Queretaro de Arteaga 76030