- 规格将参数转换为英制工作台宽(W)304.8 mm工作台长(L)1,524 mm轴数3纵向行程1,041.4 mm横向行程500.38 mm功率3.7 kW主轴转速4,300 RPM主轴锥度NT40控制系统数控系统 (Acu-Rite Mill Power)外形尺寸93"W x 77"D x 86"H重量6,600 lbs.
- 关于公司
Atlas Machines (India) came into existance in 1975 with the soul aim of catering to the most quality conscious buyers of Machines, Machine tools and Accessories. The company was formed by Soni Family, chaired by Mr. Soni and other members of the Soni family. At the helm of the affairs, of having more than 30years of experience behind us, we are one of the best in our field. Machines Supplied By Us - Running All Over The World - By serving the Goverment department such as Naval Depts., Air Force Depts., Ordinance Factories, Educational Training Institutes, Polytechnic Colleges, Sugar Factories in India and abroad and hopefully you too we aim to carry out our services world wide.