BTS International
is an industrial service provider for production lines and equipment.
we are capable of handling machinery problems in a variety of areas, both mechanically and electrically. we will work in cooperation with or in addition to existing maintenance departments within organizations, as an "out-source" assistance option.
- 公司类型
- 机床大修/翻新
- 零部件经销商
- 维修及服务
- 新机床经销商/进出口公司/销售代理
- 我们代理的品牌
- 类型
- 服务品牌
- Blum-Novotest, Inc.
4144 Olympic Blvd.
Erlanger, Kentucky 41018
美国 - Fiessler Elektronik
德国 - KNOLL Maschinenbau GmbH
Schwarzachstraße 20
Bad Saulgau D-88348
德国 - Topex
Daimlerstrasse 2
Erkenbrechtsweiler D-73268
- Blum-Novotest, Inc.