- Ürüne Genel Bakış
For the first time in the 47-year history of our company, we have developed a modular system, which can be operated as a stand-alone as well as a combination of several modules. Due to this flexible design, we are able to offer comprehensive solutions to cover the complete process from prewashing, deburring to precision cleaning and inspection – individually designed to match customers’ needs.
A 6+2 axis drive is installed in each module which enables 360-degree deburring and cleaning of the parts. If requested, an additional module will then inspect and record the cleanliness of the deburred and cleaned parts. This is done in sync at cycle time speed by a photo-optical system.
Detected contamination such as chips etc. will then be removed by a CO2 snow blasting module with integrated suction removal. This ensures that only contamination-free parts leave the machine, eliminating the need for further testing. Additional modules for leak checks and condensate free cooling can also be integrated.
We paid special attention to reduce the energy consumption significantly and to introduce new technologies, which produce only a minimum of wastewater, while still achieving optimal cleanliness and testing results.
In total, we were able to prolong bath service life times to up to 1 year and to reduce the fresh water supply to below 1/10 of current supply volumes. A flowmeter permanently controls and records the condition of the cleaning medium. Compared to traditional parts washing machines of similar scope, we are able to cut energy consumption by 70 %.
Cleaning your parts with our CIC-one ensures a new level of cleanliness, which is tested, reproducible and resource-efficient.
- Şirket Hakkında
German manufacturer of chamber systems, rotary transfer machines, immersion systems, spray-immersion systems, deburring machines, and special machines.