• Spec
    Özellikleri İmparatorluğa Dönüştür
    Hazne - E (En)
    1,270 mm
    990.6 mm
    1,092.2 mm
    84" H, 52" W x 71" D
  • Ürüne Genel Bakış

    Slightly larger than a Pulsar III. The Pulsar VI (Suction) & Pulsar VI-P (Pressure) feature a flanged mounting on the reclaimer that can accept a suction or pressure blast system. The VI-P incorporates a 1 cubic foot capacity blast machine to hold enough media to blast continuously for up to 30 minutes. Overall dimensions are 84" H, 52" W x 71" D. Working chamber dimensions are 43" H x 50" W x 39" D.

    Model Broşür (1.65 MB)

  • Şirket Hakkında
    Clemco Industries Corp

    CLEMCO manufactures a comprehensive line of air-blast equipment and accessories for cleaning, surface preparation, and finishing. The company markets these products through a network of subsidiaries, licensees, and independent distributors. Clemco’s North American operations are headquartered in Washington, Missouri to serve the North and South American continents.

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