• Spec
    Özellikleri İmparatorluğa Dönüştür
    Akış Oranı
    1,293 ft³/min.
  • Ürüne Genel Bakış

    Pneumatech cycling dryers only operate according to the air flow, unlike non-cycling refrigerated dryers that operate continuously even if the air flow is changing. The dryers cycle based on the relative humidity of the air to the surrounding ambient temperature. Corrosion in the air lines is not a risk if the relative humidity is kept below 50%. The benefit is energy savings.

    Model Broşür (1.62 MB)

  • Şirket Hakkında
    Pneumatech, Inc.

    Founded in 1966, Pneumatech is a world leader in compressed air system engineering, offering a large range of air drying equipment while providing unparalleled custom-design capabilities and first-class customer service around the world. Pneumatech specializes in refrigerated dryers, regenerative dryers, landfill and biogas dryers, nitrogen and oxygen generators, drains, after-coolers, filters, water chillers and closed loop coolers.

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