Hidráulica Especializada de Puebla
Hidráulica Especializada de Puebla
Hidráulica Especializada de Puebla
HIDRAULICA ESPECIALIZADA DE PUEBLA, was born in 1999 in the city of Puebla not only to offer the sale of equipment and service to our clients, but in addition we offer to give solution to their problems.
We possess the technical necessary support to cover the necesidas of our clients, with this we seek to be an integral supplier for them. To achieve it, based on a globalization, we have sought to diversify our products to offer them major options so much in brands as equipments.
- Şirket Özel
- Parça ve Aksam Distribütörü
- Yeni Makine Dağıtıcı / İthalatçı / Agent
- Markalar Biz Carry
- Tip
- Alet Edevatlar & Aksesuarlar ( Diğer )
- Boru, Tüp & Bar Bükmeler
- Caraskallar (Tüm tipleri)
- H-Frame Presler
- Hava Araçları, DC Elektrik Araçlar ve Aksesuarlar
- Hidrolik Güç Ünitesi
- Hidrolik Pompalar
- Hidrolik Presler
- Isı Dönüştürücüler
- Jack Kaldıraçlar
- Kıvırıcı, kıvrım yapıcılar
- Pompalar
- Silindirler
- Taret Delgeçler
- Yağ Ayırıcılar