Tekpress Solutions Inc
Tekpress Solutions Inc
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Tekpress Solutions Inc
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Tekpress Solutions Limited was established in 2009 by Cory Newton, President. After 23 plus years in the metalforming industry, Cory believed that there was a niche not being fulfilled in the marketplace: the need for a full service supplier to the metalforming industry. No longer satisfied to just sell equipment to the industry, the new focus will be to offer all associated services related to equipment sales and service: consulting, automation, press audits, tonnage calibrations, stop time calculations and certified safety training for employees. Tekpress Solutions’ goal is to become the one stop shop for our clients’ machinery and metalworking needs.
- Şirket Özel
- Yeni Makine Dağıtıcı / İthalatçı / Agent
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- Bobin Makaraları ve Düzelticiler
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- Hidrolik Presler
- Levha ve Şerit Düzleştirici
- Merkezleme Makaraları
- OBI Presler
- Servo Sürücüler
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- Tel Düzleyiciler ve (Uç) Kesiciler
- Tel Makara Sarıcıları
- Yay Teli Bobinleri