Since 1972 Comairco’s competent personnel have been supporting customers across Canada and in the United States by helping them clearly identify their needs in compressed air demand and by selling or renting the most cost efficient compressor and compressed air equipments available in the industry.
Comairco offers the best brand names available in the compressed air domain , such as; Sullair, Cameron Compression system, Dresser Roots, Airtek, Devair and Binks. In order to assure customer satisfaction, we offer a wide range (5 hp to 1500 hp) of stationary and portable compressors. All the products carry an extensive manufacturer’s warranty to assure customer satisfaction.
Comairco assures existing and potential customers maximum reliability through minimum down time by providing expedient 24/7 service, backed by extensive OEM parts inventory from our branches.
Through the quality products and outstanding personnel, Comairco has positioned itself as a market leader in the compressed air industry providing quality services to thousands of customers.
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