- СпекуляцияПреобразование спецификаций в ImperialРазмер зажимного патрона100 mm№ оси2Мощность2.2 kWДопустимое вращение10,000 RPMКонтрольЧПУ (FANUC 21i-T)
- Обзор продукта
We use gang tool type NC lathe that meets high precision machining of parts. We serve our customers with product lineup that fits their needs such as standard type P series, high precision type HP series, and Ultra-precision type.
- О компании
Our products contribute to higher productivity, streamlined logistics, higher efficiency, energy-savings, and automation in a wide array of fields, including automobiles, electrical equipment, precision machines, dies, petrochemistry, foodstuffs, civil engineering and construction, shipbuilding, and more, enabling us to develop a loyal customer base in Japan and abroad. Through cutting-edge technology and unrivaled quality, we will continue to build greater trust with our customers.
Дистрибьюторы и Обслуживание и ремонт Магазины
- Дистрибьюторы12Kanematsu Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.
Suite C, Multitenant III
Col. Parque Santa Fe
Guanajuato C.P. 36275
Мексика - Обслуживание и ремонт Магазины2