- СпекуляцияПреобразование спецификаций в ImperialНаибольшая амплитуда колибаний500 mmОбработка Длина2,000 mmНаибольший диаметр прутка1,000 mmМощность9.5 kWДопустимое вращение3,000 RPMДиаметр обработки500 mmЗадняя бабкаYesКонтрольЧПУ (FAUNC, SIEMENS, FAGOR, sinumerik)
- Обзор продукта
The DF series CNC lathes are accurate and robust machines for the most demanding working conditions. The machines are designed with modular concept and provide and extremely high flexibility by combining big processing capacity of a conventional lathe and high versatility of a CNC one. It provides a high portfolio for efficient production of diverse components in small-to-large sized batches.
- О компании
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