HARRINGTON RH03U-23-1-4H-2-3
- СпекуляцияПреобразование спецификаций в ImperialФункциональная возможность2.722 t
- О компании
Located in Manheim, PA and Corona, CA, Harrington Hoists, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of revolutionary manual, electric and air chain hoists as well as wire rope hoists and crane products. Known in our industry for world class products, a driven sales focus and outstanding customer services that are unmatched in today's market, Harrington is committed to do whatever it takes to satisfy our customers' needs.
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- Дистрибьюторы64Aprodisa México, S.A. de C.V.
Norteamérica No. 147
Fracc. Industrial Unidad Nacional II
Santa Catarina, Nuevo Leon