- СпекуляцияПреобразование спецификаций в ImperialНаибольшая амплитуда колибаний330 mmЦентры670 mmОтверстие шпинделя43 mmМощность3 kWОборотов/минуту3,000 RPMНаибольшая амплитуда над суппортом190 mmВес950 (KGS)
- Обзор продукта
New generation of precision center conventional lathes developed exclusively for vocational training centers, colleges, tool room and production centers. These center lathes are offered with a multi step gear box or infinitely variable speed mechanism with invertor drive.
- О компании
Gedee Weiler strives to deliver CNC lathes, CNC turning centers to our customers with best of quality, precision and reliability. By offering machines that are capable of high production levels together with excellent technical support.
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