- СпекуляцияПреобразование спецификаций в ImperialНаибольшая амплитуда колибаний429.26 mmЦентры214.63 mmОтверстие шпинделя49.784 mmМощность1.7 kWОборотов/минуту40 RPMНаибольшая амплитуда над суппортом269.24 mm
- О компании
We are regularly in production and supply of our various products such as lathe, drill, and woodwork machine since last 27 years. naturally we have expertise our product after this long experience. from the establishment our production is as per is 1878-1971 standards. our superior techniques, high production efficiency, along with good quality have made us very well known in india. we started to make high speed turning machine in 1995. ravi quickly predicts the trends of the times and to put its independent esteem models.
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