ACCUWAY UT-400/3900

  • Спекуляция
    Преобразование спецификаций в Imperial
    Размер зажимного патрона
    381 mm
    Наибольший диаметр прутка
    180 mm
    № оси
    37 kW
    Допустимое вращение
    2,000 RPM
    Диаметр обработки
    700 mm
    Наибольшая амплитуда колибаний
    900 mm
    Обработка Длина
    3,900 mm
    Задняя бабка
    ЧПУ (FANUC 0i-T)
  • О компании
    Accuway Machinery Co. Ltd.

    Accuway products have won wide reputation and honors from a broad range of the customers, especially within China Taiwan, China, Southeast Asia and Europe. Among the competitive market,Accuway has fought for its leadership in the precision machining tool provider and constantly endeavoring fundamental knowledge, innovating technology and considering customers' satisfaction as the first priority and ultimate goal.

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