Collectors and Filters

Collectors and Filters
995 E. 256th Street
Sheridan, Indiana 46069
Соединенные Штаты
Местное время Там


Representing AGET manufacturing Co., Collectors and Filters offers dust and mist collection systems for every sized plant and air quality problem. Also including sales of clamp ductwork and filter bags for all collection systems. We offers a complete line of dust cartridges to meet all of your filters requirements with applications for Nanofibers, 80/20, Spun Bond Polyester, Fire Retardant all available for fast turnaround and fast deliveries. Applications in the areas of food, woodworking, grain, metal grinding, powders, plastics, pharmaceuticals, welding and etc. OEM Replacements for most systems; AAF, Aerocology, Air Flow, Champion, DCE, Dustex, FARR, MAC, Micro Air, Nordson, TDC, Torit, UAS/Dusthog, Wheelabrator and others.

United States only, not an international company at this time.