Acme Saw Ltd.
established in 1944, we have become canada's fastest growing sales and service organization specializing in sawing machines and sawing technology with over four thousand (4,000) customers throughout north america.
we sell a complete package deal !
because acme saw ltd. focuses on sawing, we can offer you most efficient combination of machine/blade/coolant and service ! visit our section of products and machinery to see our vast selection of machines, tools, etc...
service is everything !
acme's customers are serviced by our staff of highly qualified service-engineers based in our oakville, ontario, elk grove village, illinois and montreal, quebec facilities. our reputation for service and spare parts is excellent because we believe that service is extremely important to our customers.
the right machine
acme offers a wide range of sawing machines of all types. in bandsawing we sell the canadian-made hyd-mech bandsaws, very large capacity of high production friggi machines, as well as others. in cold sawing, we can offer an appropriate sawing machine for your production requirements from häberle, macc to simec cut off systems and mair multiple head machines.
the most for your money !
whether you cut solid steel, solids, tubing or profiles, non ferrous materials (aluminium, copper, etc.), horizontal or vertical, automatic or manual, acme saw ltd. can offer you the machine, the cutting tools and the coolant oils to ensure problem- free productivity. ask us about the lenox line of high technology band and hacksaw blades, we will be pleased to arrange for a guaranteed trial. order if you have deburring requirements, we have simec or brush-tech machine that will reduce labour costs drastically.
acme saw ltd people work for you !
our people are trained to find cost-effective solutions. most importantly, we care about selecting the right machine for the right job. we want to put our know-how to work for you ! contact us via internet !!!
- Специальности компании
- Дистрибьюторы, инструменты и запчасти
- Новый дистрибьютор Машины / импортер / Агент
- Бренды, которые мы носим
- Тип
- Абразивный и трение пилы
- Арматура Benders
- Деревообрабатывающее шлифовальное оборудование
- Деревообрабатывающие Радиально-консольные пилы
- Деревообрабатывающие станки,
- Горизонтальные ленточные пилы
- Горизонтальные ленточные пилы Двойная колонка
- Линии резки на мерные длины
- Листогибочный в том числе Rolls Pinch
- Маркировочные машины
- Намотчик провода
- Ножовки
- Оборудование для формирования проволоки (четырех полосные)
- Оборудование для гибки проволоки
- Пилы
- Пилы деревообрабатывающие
- Сборочные станки
- Станки для удаления заусениц
- Труба, труба & Bar отключений
- Трубы, трубы & Bar Benders
- Циркуляр холодной пилы
- Угол изгиба Rolls
- Вертикальные ленточные пилы
- Высокоскоростная Дисковые пилы (цветные)