• Especulação
    Converter Especificações para Imperial
    40 kW
    CNC (Heidenhain iTNC530)
  • Analisar Produto

    High-speed vertical milling machine

    Bent-proof, torsion-resistant and vibration-proof basic structure including Z-axis slide in welded steel construction

    High-precision rack and pinion drive with zero clearance in the X- and Y-axes

    Z-axis slide in box-in-box design

    Thermo-symmetric construction and eightfold bearing of the Z-axis slide

    Linear roller guides with zero clearance in all linear axes for high position accuracy

    Main spindle motor: 40 kW / 1200 Nm

    Mechanical milling heads: infinitely variable positioning and simultaneous

    Heads with electrospindle: infinitely variable positioning and simultaneous

    Automatic head changer systems

    Automatic tool changing

    Numeric control: Heidenhain, Siemens

    Folheto Modelo (3.57 %você)

  • Sobre a empresa
    EMCO MECOF, Mecof S.r.l.

    Founded in 1947, near Genoa, MECOF is a manufacturer of machine-tools. The company has earned an excellent reputation with partners in the automotive, aerospace, railway and machine industries. Precision, innovation and reliability are the hallmarks of a well established brand. At the international scale, MECOF is recognized as a manufacturer of high-speed milling machines and machining centers.

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Centros de Usinagem, Pórtico (incld. Bridge & Coluna Duplo)
10 foto
Ano: 2011
New York, Estados Unidos
Usado - Excelente
New York
Estados Unidos

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