• Especulação
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    45.359 t
    3,048 mm
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    The large hardened and ground guide ways, and laser aligned, hand scraped way beds, provide long life and smooth dependable operation, with world class accuracy for decades.

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  • Sobre a empresa
    American Broach & Machine Company

    american broach & machine company was founded in ann arbor michigan in 1919 by f.j. lapointe who has been called the father of modern broaching. he held many of the basic patents that introduced the modern broaching techniques now used. the company was purchased by the sundstrand corporation of rockford illinois in 1937. the broaching tool division was purchased in 1961 by the present american broach & machine company of ann arbor michigan organization.

Olhando para comprar um novo AMERICAN BROACH & MACHINE VSB 15-48 ?

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