- 사양사양을 영국 표준식으로 변환스핀들 크기104.9 mmX-테이블의 수평 이동1,968.5 mmY-헤드의 수직 이동1,549.4 mm동력11 kW분당 회전속도2,000 RPM테이블-W1,219.2 mm테이블-L1,524 mm제어CNC (HEIDENHAIN 530)무게15800 KG
- 회사 소개
Designers and manufacturers of quality, heavy machinery. Our family of companies are leaders in the design and manufacturing of machine tools, vertical lathes, horizontal boring mills, gantry mills, milling machines, spare parts and tire manufacturing equipments. Please visit this site to review our various products and services, tour our main factories and contact us.