- 사양사양을 영국 표준식으로 변환스핀들 크기125 mmX-테이블의 수평 이동2,500 mmY-헤드의 수직 이동2,000 mm동력40 kW분당 회전속도3,000 RPM테이블-W1,250 mm테이블-L1,800 mm주축 Tvl.600 mm제어CNC (Siemens SINUMERIK 880)무게52200 kg
- 회사 소개
Starrag Group is a global technology leader in manufacturing high-precision machine tools for milling, turning, boring and grinding of small, medium-sized and larger workpieces of metallic and composite materials. Our customers are primarily internationally active companies in the Aerospace, Transport, Industrial and Energy sectors. In addition to its portfolio of machine tools, Starrag Group provides integrated technology and maintenance services that significantly enhance customer productivity.