- スペックスペックをインペリアルに変換するタンク-W4,600 mmタンク-L14,000 mmタンク-H3,500 mm
- 製品概要
The T9 is comprised of several consecutive immersion tanks, a drying chamber, and a separate vacuum chamber for cleaning and drying cylinder heads made of steel. The parts are handed over automatically to the individual chambers in bogies via a portal axis system. After set-down of the bogies, the baskets containing the parts are put into rotation. The system is equipped with ultrasound plates for removing clinging dirt. In the drying zone, the cylinder heads are pre-dried by a high-pressure fan and forwarded into the vacuum zone by a chain conveyor. Ultrasonic Cold- or hot air drying Integrated transport
- 会社概要
German manufacturer of chamber systems, rotary transfer machines, immersion systems, spray-immersion systems, deburring machines, and special machines.