- スペックスペックをインペリアルに変換するチャンバー-幅1,066.8 mmチャンバー-D584.2 mmチャンバー-高さ762 mm大きさ50"D x 43"W x 81"H
- 製品概要
The ZERO MediPulse is a high-production, ergonomic suction blast cabinet designed specifically to enhance productivity and efficiency by offering a safe and comfortable work station for blast operators. Repetitive work is made easier by allowing workers to concentrate on achieving the desired surface treatment, working from a seated position at their option. Cabinet design minimizes floor space requirements.
- 会社概要
CLEMCO manufactures a comprehensive line of air-blast equipment and accessories for cleaning, surface preparation, and finishing. The company markets these products through a network of subsidiaries, licensees, and independent distributors. Clemco’s North American operations are headquartered in Washington, Missouri to serve the North and South American continents.
- 販売代理店24Woodward Equipment Company | J.L Woodward Co., Inc.
15790 SE Piazza Ave - Suite 104
Clackamas, Oregon 97015
アメリカ合衆国 - サービス&修理店1