- スペックスペックをインペリアルに変換するスイング320 mmセンター1,000 mm砥石車 径660 mmホイール パワー11 kWコントロールCNC
- 製品概要
As the name implies this machine is suitable for grinding medium to large size of work pieces (150kg) in High production volumes. Components with large grinding areas can be ground with wide wheels or multiple wheels in single plunge operation for optimum productivity. For higher productivity a 60 m/sec wheel speed option is also available on the same platform. The machine is available in both Straight & Angular Wheel Head Configurations.
- 会社概要
CNC External Cylindrical Grinders CNC Internal Cylindrical Grinders CNC Centerless Grinders CNC Valve Seat Grinders CNC Piston Ring Grinders CNC CBN High Speed Cylindrical Grinders CNC Profile Grinders CNC Universal Grinders Hydraulic Universal Grinders Hydraulic Valve Seat Grinders
- 販売代理店3Ace Micromatic Group
271-272, Udyog Bhavan,
Sonawala Road, Goregoan (E)
Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063
インド - 営業所2Micromatic Machine Tools Pvt. Ltd.
301-302, Vikas Deep Building
Laxmi Nagar, District Centre
Delhi, Delhi 110 092