- スペックスペックをインペリアルに変換するX500 mmY580 mmZ500 mm
- 製品概要
TIGO SF is a versatile, air-free high performance Coordinate Measuring Machine for the shop-floor. Its solid and robust structure ensures extremely accurate measurements, while the innovative operating concept simplifies the dimensional inspection of industrial workpieces and opens up the world of metrology to everyone.
- 会社概要
hexagon metrology nordic ab (hmn) is a part of hexagon measurement technologies. with four measuring centers in sweden (eskilstuna, göteborg, trollhättan och stockholm) and a network of seven agents/distributors in the nordic countries, is hmn by far the strongest and biggest supplier of measurement services. we market co-ordinate measuring machines, portable measuring arms, portable 3d metrology products and hand gauges. hmn also runs service, calibration, training, applications and production-measuring systems into line with customer needs within the nordic countries. we marketing among others following brands: ce johansson, dea, cognitens, leitz, leica geosystems, romer, sheffield, tesa and pc-dmis.
- 販売代理店34Maqherr Solutions SA de CV
Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez 223 B-3 Col. Buena Ventura
Ensenada, Baja California 22888
メキシコHexagon Metrology Sistemas de Medicao Ltda
Av. Cayetano Beliera Nº 3025
Parque Austral Ed. M3
Pilar, Buenos Aires B1629WWA
アルゼンチンSuzhou Sanfeng Measuring Tech Co., Ltd.
80, Shihuifang Commerce Street, Suzhou Industrial Park