Since 2005, TSM had a single goal. Provide Best Resistance
Welding Facilities, Service And Technical Know-How.
The company’s one and only focus is Resistance welding
technology. Its single-minded mission - provides customers
throughout the world with the best Resistance Welding
equipment and service available in the industry.
That’s why TSM co-operate NASH Robotics & Automation
and British Federal and others. To provide the Best
resistance welding manufacturing-line facilities, Equipment
and services.
TSM Welding Technology used to provide products that
facilitate the production of heavy equipment for Aerospace,
Defense and Steel Work Industries. Aid in the manufacture
of the world's most prestigious Automotive & Motorcycle.
Enable Motor Car and Motorcycle to safely ride on the road
of the globe. Keep international airlines flying. Allow the
smallest welding operations to be competitive. Help noted
artists create imaginative sculptures.
- 会社の専門
- 新機械ディストリビューター/輸入業者/エージェント
- 私たちは、キャリーブランド
- タイプ