Ricercati (3)
Mostra 3 annuncios

I'm looking for a AMADA #AE-2510NT #Turret Punches, but am open to other manufacturers and models.

Tonnellaggio:18.144 t
# Torrette:58
circa 1 mese fa|
circa 1 mese fa

I'm looking for a TRUMPF #TRUPUNCH 1000 #Turret Punches, but am open to other manufacturers and models.

Tonnellaggio:17.237 t
# Torrette:15
29 giorni fa|
29 giorni fa

I'm looking for a AMADA #ARIES 245 #Turret Punches, but am open to other manufacturers and models.

Tonnellaggio:18.144 t
# Torrette:20
17 giorni fa|
17 giorni fa