• Specifiche
    1323 (LBS)
  • Descrizione del prodotto

    Measuring machine to measure the tool diameter, cutting length, angle of taper, torus radius, chamfer, head diameter and profiles efficiently.

    At the same time, the integrated 3D sensor can be used to measure spiral flows, tooth spacing, cutting angle and setting angle. A silhouette is generated by turning the tools in front of the camera. In this transmitted light procedure, the cutting contour is determined; it can be compared with the target geometry in dxf format for profile tools. All video images and results are displayed on a 20" LCD monitor.

    The profile scan software enables any type of profile to be detected. By overlaying the theoretical profile shape in dxf format, deviations can be displayed graphically and numerically. By entering minimum and maximum tolerance values, errors can be displayed in real time.

  • Informazioni sull'azienda
    Schneeberger J. Maschinen AG

    Swiss manufacturer of tool grinders for production and re-grinding.

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