• Specifiche
    Converti gli specchi in Imperial
    273.05 mm
    485.9 mm
    524 mm
    14.9 kW
    5,000 RPM
    320.04 mm
    180.09 mm
  • Descrizione del prodotto

    The MULTIPLEX W-200 CNC turning center provides Multi-Tasking capability with dual-spindle/dual-turret machine configurations for mid-sized lot production.

    Both spindles can be used to efficiently machine the front and back sides of parts, including milling, for DONE IN ONE®, single-setup production. Both turning spindles are identical in performance and can also be used to simultaneously cut two parts at one time. Their synchronized rotation delivers high-accuracy for operations like chucker and shaft work.

    Innovative machine design reduces production lead time, improves machining accuracy, reduces floor space and initial cost, lowers operating expenses and reduces operator requirements to improve working environment.

  • Informazioni sull'azienda
    Yamazaki Mazak Corporation

    Leaders in the manufacturer of advanced technology solutions including Multi-Tasking, 5-axis, milling, turning, CNC Controls and automation. We have developed unique products that realize unsurpassed productivity and established 78 Technology and Technical Centers all over the world to provide total solutions and optimum service support close to customers. Additionally, we began machine tool production in foreign countries much earlier than other Japanese machine tool manufacturers - starting in 1974 with the manufacturing plant in the U.S, we have established manufacturing plants in the U.K, Singapore, and China. We are the only machine tool manufacturer that has established a global production base. By utilizing the local manufacturing plants and global support bases, we have provided enhanced service and support and established strong relationships with our customers.

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