  • Specifiche
    450 w
  • Descrizione del prodotto

    FiberStar Integrator Kit Systems offer state-of-the-art laser resonator technology which provides high peak power, optimal performance & throughput, higher up-time, enhanced electrical efficiency, and a space saving air cooled design. Solid state diodes provide instantaneous power with no “warm up time” required.

    The laser source is a permanently sealed design that protects against dust and dirt, does not require adjustment, has no consumable parts, and requires no maintenance. These features help to ensure the FiberStar systems performance resulting in stable, consistent material processing for years of operation.

  • Circa la società
    LaserStar Technologies Corporation

    LaserStar Technologies was founded in 1957 in Riverside, Rhode Island. In the 1990s the company became the only U.S. Manufacturer of nd:YAG micro welding laser systems. Over the years, the company has grown into a global supplier of laser sources for not only welding, but also marking, cutting, deep engraving and motion systems. The company continually strives to enhance the quality, performance and innovation of its laser products to help ensure its customers are operating at their highest potential.

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