MAXXTURN 200/4200
  • Specifiche
    Converti gli specchi in Imperial
    Diametro rotante
    1,050 mm
    Lunghezza della lavorazione
    4,200 mm
    84 kW
    RPM massima
    1,800 RPM
    Diametro di tornitura
    1,000 mm
  • Informazioni sull'azienda
    Emco GmbH

    The success story of this Austrian company, which was founded in 1947, started with the production of conventional lathes. The EMCO Group in the meantime has become one of Europe’s leading producers of machine tools and has production plants in Austria, Germany and Italy. Since December EMCO is part of the Kuhn Holding GmbH, located in Salzburg. The group of companies consists of an association of top European suppliers (EMCO, FAMUP, MECOF and MAGDEBURG) all of which come from the machine-tool industry. United under the common maxim of “Made in the Heart of Europe” they work on intelligent and innovative production solutions for the machining industry. With its extensive product portfolio, the EMCO Group is a respected and proven partner within the field of turning and milling.

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