Disponibile in magazzinoEMAG VL 2

  • Specifiche
    Converti gli specchi in Imperial
    Dimens. mandrini
    160 mm
    # asse
    19.5 kW
    RPM massima
    6,000 RPM
    Diametro rotante
    200 mm
  • Descrizione del prodotto

    Three axes + turret with up to twelve driven tools + automation.

    The basic VL 2 machine, a three-axis vertical chuck turning machine, catches the eye due to its design. Its basis is the machine body made of MINERALIT® polymer concrete. The working spindle is mounted on the front of the machine body on a compound slide which completes movements in the X- and Z-axes. The turret below the working spindle can hold up to twelve turning or driven tools.

    Brochure modello (2.32 MB)

  • Circa la società
    EMAG Maschinenfabrik GmbH

    German manufacturer of turning, milling and drilling machines. Automation systems, electro chemical machining, assembly and laser welding equipment.

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