• Specifiche
    Converti gli specchi in Imperial
    # asse
    Diametro rotante
    198.12 mm
    9.5 kW
    Diametro mola
    203.2 mm
    RPM massima
    10,000 RPM
  • Descrizione del prodotto

    The FX3 Linear is an affordable first step into CNC tool grinding, or an economical superior quality basic machine. Whatever your needs this machine provides the kind of technology and rigid accuracy not usually available at this price. If you don’t need automation, then the FX3 Linear with its 9.5kW wheel spindle and ample power to cover a wide range of tool applications, is the tool grinder for you. It offers the same software and machine quality that are found in all ANCA machines.

    Brochure modello (2.25 MB)

  • Circa la società
    ANCA Pty. Ltd.

    offers a range of cnc tool and cutter grinders to meet large scale manufacturing and entry level production requirements. your production demands are met by the flexibility of anca's tool design software. this enables you to produce a wide variety of complex tools such as end mills, profile cutters, burrs and punches with anca's cnc machines.

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