YCM TC-46/1000

  • Spec
    Convertir des spécifications en impériale
    Taille mandrin
    381 mm
    Alimentation électrique
    37 kW
    RPM Max
    2,000 RPM
    Dia. tournage
    750 mm
    Diamètre admissible
    850 mm
    Usinage Longueur
    1,000 mm
  • À propos de la société
    Yeong Ching Machinery Industries Co., Ltd. (YCM)

    ycm(yeong chin machinery industries co., ltd.), founded in 1954, specializes in machine tools manufacturing. throughout the excellent teamwork and leadership, ycm has been growing steadily, and been recognized the most leading cnc metal cutting machine tools supplier from taiwan. ycm is well known for wide-range products of all types of machining centers - vertical, horizontal, complex and high-speed precision mold & die machining center; plus the cnc lathes and turning centers.

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