  • Spec
    Convertir des spécifications en impériale
    Diamètre admissible
    839.98 mm
    Usinage Longueur
    2,110.2 mm
    Taille mandrin
    304.8 mm
    Alimentation électrique
    7.5 kW
    RPM Max
    4,000 RPM
    Dia. tournage
    584.2 mm
  • Présentation du produit

    The HYPER QUADREX 400M Multi-Tasking turning center brings high productivity and heavy material removal to large-diameter part applications, including shafts and pipes. Its extreme performance capabilities are made possible via its twin-turret configuration, rotary milling capability and robust integral motor/headstock with a large-diameter spindle bore.

    Upper and lower turrets work in tandem for simultaneous turning
    Main spindle provides high horsepower, speed and torque
    Milling spindle on upper turret offers high versatility
    Rigid machine construction ensures high precision operations
    Strong tailstock adds support to long, heavy shaft-type part production
    User-friendly MATRIX 2 CNC provides high accuracy and productivity

  • À propos de la société
    Yamazaki Mazak Corporation

    Leaders in the manufacturer of advanced technology solutions including Multi-Tasking, 5-axis, milling, turning, CNC Controls and automation. We have developed unique products that realize unsurpassed productivity and established 78 Technology and Technical Centers all over the world to provide total solutions and optimum service support close to customers. Additionally, we began machine tool production in foreign countries much earlier than other Japanese machine tool manufacturers - starting in 1974 with the manufacturing plant in the U.S, we have established manufacturing plants in the U.K, Singapore, and China. We are the only machine tool manufacturer that has established a global production base. By utilizing the local manufacturing plants and global support bases, we have provided enhanced service and support and established strong relationships with our customers.

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