• Spec
    Convertir des spécifications en impériale
    Cap rect (H)
    635 mm
    Cap rect (P)
    635 mm
    Alimentation électrique
    7.5 kW
    Largeur de lame
    50.8 mm
    Longueur de lame
    7,620 mm
    12000 (LBS)
  • Présentation du produit

    These saws feature a full 26” (660 mm) cutting capacity and are available in 3 models with manual or automatic numerical control and a stationary or swivel base for production sawing of all materials including structurals and solids. Saw blade is set at 6° cant allowing for more effective cutting on structurals and tubing.

    Brochure (7.22 Mo)

  • À propos de la société
    DoAll Sawing Products

    DoALL is the only American manufacturer of all sawing elements – saw blades, sawing machines, cutting fluids and material handling systems, with value-added services and technical support second to none. DoALL offers the most complete line of band saw blades in the industry including bi-metal, carbide, diamond, carbon and knife-edge blades. DoALL offers a wide variety of sawing machines for high production, general-purpose, miter cutting, vertical contour, and custom engineered sawing solutions. DoALL blends a wide selection of cutting fluids including soluble oils, semi-synthetic, full-synthetic, and direct application (mist) fluids to meet all your sawing needs. DoALL can also custom design material handling solutions to be integrated into your current, or new, sawing systems.

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Scies, horizontales,
6 photo
Année: 1999
Illinois, États-Unis
Occasion - Excellent

Distributeurs, Bureaux de vente et Ateliers de service et de réparation