FMB Maschinenbaugesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

FMB Maschinenbaugesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Site web
FMB Maschinenbaugesellschaft mbH & Co. KG
Site web
Since 1980 the name of FMB has been well-known in the world of turning. With our "Loading Magazine" range of products, FMB represents reliable and highly economical equipment for the loading and unloading of machine tool systems. With a broad product range providing both standard solutions and equipment tailor-made to customers’ requirements, we have successfully earned the confidence worldwide of users, retailers and OEMs. New products, such as the UNIROBOT series, have expanded our range to encompass full industrial automation with its numerous conveying, loading and unloading requirements.
- Société Spécialités
- Commande & Automatisation
- Fabricant machines neuves – Siège Social
- Fabricants- Pièces & Composants
- Maintenance et réparations
- Outillages & Accessoires - Fabricant
- Marque
- Taper
- Distributeurs
Présentation par Emplacement
- Maximum Machine Tools, LLC.
P.O. Box 1294
China Grove, North Carolina 28023
États-Unis - Excel Machine Technologies, Inc.
50 Bermar Park
Rochester, New York 14624
États-Unis - Arnd Sauter GmbH
Haeuslematten 5
Hornberg-Niederwasser, Baden-Württemberg 78132
Allemagne - ALBA Precision spol.s.r.o.
Sípková 18 620 00 Bmo
République tchèque - ALBA Precision s.r.o
ALBA Precision s.r.o Robotnícka 6 974 01
Banská Bystrica, Banska Bystrica
Slovaquie - Casoretti
R. Jaguaribe, 465
Cj. 31/32
Santa Cecilia 01224-001
Brésil - Altemaq, S.A.
Defensa No. 6651-B
Buenos Aires
- Maximum Machine Tools, LLC.