G+S Werkzeugmaschinen
Invest more productive
Since 1992 G+S is consulting industry companies for used and new machine tool acquisitions as well as the adequate equipment. Today Gläsener + Schmidt GmbH is presenting around 100 used machines (fully in service) in the CNC OUTLET CENTER in Olching (close to Munich).
Market-leading manufacturers of machine tools re-present our highly competent field crew in the southern part of Bavaria.
Our services start from concepting specialized manufacturing facilities for small and medium-sized enterprises. Extensive consulting for the right selection of machine tools by leading manufacturers is understood as well as technical support.
Interposition of the perfect financing, logistics and implementation, acquisition of used machines and numerous additional services make G+S the perfect partner for Bavarian industry enterprises.
- Société Spécialités
- Concessionnaires / courtiers de machines d'occasion
- Entreprise Financement & Leasing
- New Machinery Distributeur / Importateur / Agent
- Nous portons des marques
- Taper
- 5 axes ou plus CNC Tours
- Centres d'usinage horizontaux
- Centres d'usinage verticaux
- Centres d'usinage verticaux (5 axes ou plus)
- Disque Grinders
- Gantry Centres d'usinage (incld. Colonne Bridge & Double)
- Grinders centerless
- Grinders cylindrique universelle
- Horizontal Type de Planer des aléseuses
- Horizontal Type de table Perceuses
- Machines à Mesurer Tridimensionnelles
- Machines de mesurage
- Machines de remplissage
- Moulins Flute
- Moulins à arbre à cames
- Moulins de la discussion
- Moulins de surface alternatifs
- Pipe, Tube & Bar Benders
- Profil Grinders
- Rotary, tourillon (horizontal et vertical) Machines de transfert
- Rouleuses d'anneau
- Scies à ruban horizontale
- Scies à ruban verticales
- Testeurs d'engrenages
- Tool & Cutter Grinders
- Tours CNC
- Tours de moteur
- Vertical aléseuses (incld VTL)
- Vilebrequin Grinders
- scies à métaux