Enchères - Vente PrivéeSlitting Line and Tension Leveler

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Sommaire des éléments
Posco Mobility Solutions is the top manufacturer in the world of precision stainless steel products, automotive hydrogen fuel cell separators, environmentally friendly drive motor cores, and sophisticated steel building material manufacturing technologies.
Posco used the machines offered for Stainless Steel production and they are now available for sale.
STL SLITTING LINE for Stainless Steel 300/400
Year: 1989
Make: Production Machinery
Mfg.: Production Machinery
YOM: 1957
Year of Installation: 1989
Max. width: 530 mm
Thickness Range: 0,05-1.0 mm
Coil Weight: 2,5 Ton
Coil ID: 558 mm
Coil OD: max. 1200 mm
Line Speed 120 M/Min
Threading 10 M/Min
Motors/Electrics: 400Volt; 60Hz
Decoiler 2,25 kW
Recoiler 15 kW
Direction of Line: Left to Right
Length of Line: 12.1 M
TLL TENSION LEVELING LINE for Stainless Steel 300/400
Year: 2002
Make: Koryeo
Mfg. Koryeo (Korean Industrial Machinery)
Type: Tilting Leveler
Year of Mfg. 2002
Strip width 105-700 mm
Thickness Range 0,05-1 mm (1 mm)
Strip Tension Leveler: 15Ton
Coil weight max: 11 Ton
Coil ID 400/558 mm
Coil OD max: 1700 mm
Line Speed 150 M/Min
Threading 10 M/Min
Motors/Electrics 400Volt; 60Hz
Decoiler 90 kW
Recoiler 110 kW
Direction of Line Right to Left
Length of Line 34 M.
À propos du commissaire-priseur
1075 HP
Amsterdam, Noord-Holland 1075 HP