Modelo Descontinuado
  • Especificaciones
    Convertir Especificaciones al Sistema Inglés
    299.72 mm
    Recorrido Longitudinal
    119.38 mm
    Potencia de Cabezal de Trabajo
    1.4 kW
    Velocidad de Cabezal de Trabajo
    1,500 RPM
  • Descripción del producto

    The CT450, a different very compact machine concept. The workpiece is moved on the cross-slide, while the grinding spindles are mounted in a fixed position to the base of the machine. This guarantees stability, offers good accessibility for set-up or workpiece change, and is easily automatable. The spindle set-up, with up to 3 HF grinding spindles in a linear arrangement, can be optimally designed to meet customer requirements. The ideal machine for chuck applications for individual components up to small-batch production. A cost-effective solution for high-precision automated grinding can be achieved with the optional, fully integrated automatic loading and unloading system.

    Folleto del Modelo (3.8 MB)

  • Sobre la Compañía
    Fritz Studer AG

    A member of the UNITED GRINDING Group Fritz Studer AG, founded in 1912, produces standard machines and individual system solutions for high precision cylindrical grinding of small to medium-sized work pieces. The customers belong mostly to the Machine Tool, Tool-and-Die, Automotive, Aerospace, Pneumatic/Hydraulics, Electronics, Medical and Watch Industries. As a market and technology leader with approximately 23.000 machines delivered worldwide for universal, external, internal as well as form grinding applications, STUDER stands for quality and precision over the past decades. In addition, STUDER also provides Software and Hardware solutions as well as a wide range of pre- and after sales services. Together with STUDER the brands SCHAUDT and MIKROSA form the technology group Cylindrical within the UNITED GRINDING Group. With its eight company brands, the UNITED GRINDING Group is one of the world's leading suppliers of precision machines for grinding, eroding, lasering, measuring as well as combination machining. Own branches and distribution partners ensure local presence for our customers around the world.

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