• Especificaciones
    Convertir Especificaciones al Sistema Inglés
    500 mm
    500 mm
    400 mm
    # Ejes
    14.9 kW
    42,000 RPM
    # ATC
    CNC (Heidenhain iTNC530 / TNC640)
  • Descripción del producto

    Perfection in every dimension

    The KERN Pyramid Nano is designed for applications that demand the highest precision and surface quality, even with large work pieces that require short machining times. With the integrated work piece changer, the KERN Pyramid Nano can also be used in unmanned operation, even for 5-axis simultaneous machining assignments.

    Driven by hydrostatic bearings and guidings, KERN Pyramid Nano is one of the most precise CNC machining centers in the world. By focusing on reliability in serial operation, this machine achieves ultra-precision manufacturing of industrial workloads.

  • Sobre la Compañía
    KERN Microtechnik GmbH

    the kern micro- und feinwerktechnik gmbh is a medium-sized company in germany which consists of two divisions. one being a machine shop doing high precision jobs for various types of industries and the other manufactures high precision cnc micro milling and drilling machines. the machine shop department produces workpieces of the highest precision for various types of famous industries. the department micro machines designs, manufactures and sells high precision cnc micro milling and drilling machines for customers, whose applications require high accuracy. the company is fully owned by the kern family and the management. a clear strategy targeting on top quality and controlled growth within its field of activities is the guideline. we focus our attention on our customers' needs. highly motivated and qualified staff are at your disposal. our aim is to provide you with the best technical solution at reasonable cost. continuous internal and external training on the latest technologies, techniques and methods is the basis for a long term and competent partnership.

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